Laboratory Analysis
1. Company will collect the waste samples from the customer (waste generator) to the company’s laboratory for analysis. As a result of the analysis samples which are determined to need further processing and price quotation will be informed the customer.
2. Upon receiving the waste from the customer, our laboratory will examine and analyze the waste in order to recheck the specification of received waste is same as the one that was specified earlier. If it off-specification, then immediately report back to the customer for further consideration of either continue the treatment as well as changing the price quotation or return it back to the customer.
Waste Management Procedures
1. Liquid Types. Depleted electroplating solution whether acid or alkaline will be treated in a particular treatment system dedicated for electroplating waste and liquid dyes would be treated in their own type of system.
2. Solid/Sludge Types. Hazardous waste would be rendered non-hazardous by a stabilization process before being sent to a Secured Landfill System. Non-hazardous waste which required no additional processing would also be sent to the same secured landfill site.

Waste analysis procedures
Waste analysis procedures