Waste Water Treatment Process
Wastewater treatment systems are divided into two types as follows.
1. Chemical treatment for electroplating. The treatment system shall use the physico-chemical treatment of waste water called “Precipitation” by using chemical to change heavy metal solvent to solid in waste water and separate solid content from liquid and the clear water shall be treated to meet the prescribed standard and then discharge to the public drainage while the sludge shall be examined its leachate value in order to examine the stabilization property and further disposed to the secured landfill system.
2. Chemical treatment for dyeing waste water. The process is capable to treat the dyeing waste water contained heavy color, smell, suspended solid and COD is called “ Coagulation” and “Flocculation”. By using chemical coagulation and the using flocculation method to enlarge the sludge for quicker sedimentation and the separate the suspended solid from waste water. The waste water shall be further treated by bio-system and further disposed to the secured landfill system.

Wastewater Treatment Process
Treatment processes