Fuel Waste Blending System
General Environmental Conservation Public
Fuel Waste Blending System
This is the system that uses benefit from waste containing calorific content. Waste that has been gone through fuel-blending process become synthetic fuel. The synthetic oil usable as alternative energy for the manufacturing process that required oil to generate heat which is non-hazardous to the environment.
Waste Burning System in Incinerator
Waste burning system in incinerator is burning the solid, liquid and gas requiring heat between 1,000 – 1,200 celsius for total burn due to the different type of waste elements. Therefore, the incinerator system may be differed but all must have the system to control temperature, smoke, exhaust gas and ash which may contaminate with smoke and flew from the chimney. The efficient incinerator must reduce the waste volume to as less as possible and the residue after burning must be stabilized, no further decomposition and can be safely disposed. It is the method to dispose calorific content waste mixed with fuel waste by burning in cement incinerator without hazardous to the environmental or can be used as alternative energy in cement incinerator.

Waste Management Process
Waste Management Process